Being Transgender

Growing out

fotor_148643598267887Growing my hair has been a royal pain in the ass, if you’ll allow me to be frank about it. I don’t know how I managed it the first couple of times I grew it out. It’s getting in my way, it’s hard to work, and it’s uncomfortable. It’s at the awkward length were I can’t really do anything with it. The front of my hair has grown down to my nose, while the back is almost down to my shoulders. It’s annoying.

Pretty soon, but not soon enough, it’ll be long enough for me to tie it back, which I’m sure is how I’ll wear it most days. For the moment, however, I need to find a way to get it cut, one that won’t give me away. A friend said I should get a pixie cut, but that may be a little too girly. Also, I don’t think it’s right for me or my face. This is going to be tougher than I thought.

This past Saturday, I decided to try styling my own hair. I gave up after a few feeble attempts. I was never shown how to fix hair. Growing up, I was given really short hair cuts, which I despised. In high school, my hair was usually shaggy, but never too long. It was only in college that I decided I wanted to grow my hair out, and yes, I kept in in a pony tail. Creative, I know!

What I want to do now is learn how to fix it up. On Saturday, I let my friend give it a go, and it turned out okay. She said some hair gel and/or hairspray would have helped. I don’t disagree. I think I need someone to give me some hair-styling tutorials. I think I may need a hair dresser. Yikes!

I’ve hated my wigs since I bought my first one back almost a year and a half ago. It’s not that I didn’t like the way they looked. I did. I didn’t say I hated the way it make me feel, I loved it. I that the way they feel. They’re hot, cumbersome, and itchy. I never spent the money to buy an expensive wig, but I suspect they would be just as big of a pain in the ass as the one I did buy.

The one thing I do have to say is that they hid my forehead nicely. Without it, all I see is my huge noggin. I know, I know! I need to stop focusing on things I don’t like about myself, but it’s difficult. Let’s say it’s a work in progress.

I’ll experiment with my hair the next few days, and maybe I can find someway to fix it, one that looks good, and is at least somewhat comfortable. I need to figure it out soon. I start my vacation next Thursday, and I plan on spending as much time as I can dressed up as I can manage. I don’t want a cumbersome wig to mess with.  I may buy some curlers, or a curling iron. I’ll have to practice some more. I doubt I’ll have anyone to come to my rescue on my roadtrip.

6 thoughts on “Growing out

  1. You are a lovely “work in progress” Stefani, so experiment until you find a hairstyle that allows you to express the female you truly are without placing you at risk.

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