Stefani’s Page

14380031_1820764894825556_4160875774869280156_oI’m Stefani, and I’m transgender. Simply put, I’m a woman unfortunate enough to have been born male. It’s who I am, it’s always been a part of me. I’ve been dressing in women’s clothes since I was a teen. It’s been a long journey to this point, to accept that I’m in fact transgender rather than a crossdresser. It isn’t a fetish or some other deviancy. This is my identity, who I am.

This is my journal, where I record my experiences and my fears. I want to record this for myself, and anyone who wants to come along. Acceptance isn’t easy, and accepting myself has been hard fought. I’m just now coming to terms with myself, learning to love myself for who I am instead of hating myself for who I’m not, the man I thought I was supposed to be.



(updated Oct 29, 2016)

6 thoughts on “Stefani’s Page

  1. Heyyyy, Stefani, you’ve just gained yourself a new follower. Love your attitude gel, a lot like my own. Our lives, our bodies, we do what we want from them. I even love that you use the same theme as me.


    Xandra. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sorry it took me so long to reply. I have no excuse to offer. I’m glad to meet you and I followed you as well. I can’t wait to see what you have written!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. today is my first time to chat with anyone else about this i saw u were from texas as well as i am and are totally n love with high heel as am i. Really looking foward to hearing back from u n hope that u live n the dfw area so i can maybe have some one to break the going in public ice SHOE SHOPPING WOOOOOO!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Unfortunately, I live in the Amarillo area. I would love to get back to DFW at some point however. There’s more to do and more opportunity to get out.


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