
First hello?

11736924_10204779559795978_2062309781_nMy wig finally came in today. What do you think? It’s better than I could have imagined, though I’m still trying to get used to it. It took forever to figure out how to put it on, and to tell you the truth, I never did. My friend’s the one who put it on me, laughing all the while, wondering why she helps me. I told her it’s because she’s a freak. She denied it for  a while, but then agreed. That’s okay. I’m a bit of a freak, too.!

I’m still sans make-up, but this isn’t all that bad. I wonder how much better it will be when I actually get around to buying some. It makes me a little nervous. What do I need? What will it cost? I actually can’t wait to get my make-up kit started!

The hardest part was shaving my face. I think my beard was my way of hiding myself, an act of self-denial. I would dress up, but I felt ridiculous. With my face shaved, and my wig, I actually feel a bit better, less of a fraud.

I have a way to go before I feel confident enough to go out in public, maybe catch a movie or go out to dinner. I’m happy for the little strides I’m making towards that goal. I hope to take a full-length picture of myself, but I need to buy shoes first. I love this ensemble, I’m just missing that one critical part.

3 thoughts on “First hello?

  1. as far as makeup…perhaps u can go first to some 1 that caters to Gurls like us im sure u can find on the internet some 1 near by where u live & call them & make an appointment tell them that u need the right type/Tone makeup for (your)-Face that’s what I did……&-? U can tell them also….in the future u would really like to come…back to them & take lessons / classes to learn to apply your makeup…/ tricks of the trade to make u look more feminine on your face with the makeup,,, I wasn’t able to do that (yet) but when I get more situated/ More EXTRA $ Money I do want to go back to the lady that I went to that showed me the right makeup…


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